
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Healing in the "Thank You"

It's been a  crazy past couple of years.
I graduated college, got married, moved to New Orleans, started seminary, got my first full-time job...lots of big life events.
They've been amazing. Truly. It's been a wonderful ride. I have been blessed beyond blessing. I could count the blessings for days!

But in the midst of the blessing, it's also been hard.
It's not really that my present circumstances have been hard, rather that God has been dealing with me and some past hurts that have yet to heal.
You see, my tendency when things are hard or painful is to stuff them away in the back of my life and pretend they're not there. This works for a little while, but I'm finally learning that things WILL NOT just go away. The only way out of them is through them. That means feeling unpleasant feelings, facing unpleasant realities, and allowing them to hurt. That's no fun. But it's real.

And you wanna know something funny about marriage? It makes you realize who you are. Why? Because all the little justifications you allow yourself or all the feelings you ignore are noticed by your spouse. Suddenly you can't just dismiss an emotion, because your spouse sees it play across your face and asks you about it. Suddenly you have to explain the way you're thinking or feeling and saying it out loud makes you realize how off-base it is....then you have to face that.
It's a blessing, really, this oneness of marriage. It's a scary intimacy to have someone suddenly a part of the pieces of your thoughts and feelings that have always only been your's. It can be annoying, honestly, when all you want is to dismiss or push away any unpleasant feeling, but now someone else knows about it and that makes it "real." That makes you have to acknowledge it.

So what am I even talking about?
Well, I'm talking about the massive healing operation God embarked on with me this year. Long story short, I came to seminary quite burned-out on church. *Gasp* Burned out on church?!? I know I know...am I even allowed to say that? I'm going into the ministry with my husband! :)
But yes, I was. Senior year of college had many wonderful moments. It also had many difficult moments - specifically with ministry in mind. Some of it was due to circumstances beyond my control, but much of it was due to the legalistic mindset I had adopted.

Along my journey in college, I learned a LOT about seeking and serving God - and  I took that knowledge and made it into rules. I had rules for me and everyone I knew. If we weren't living up to them, then shame on us! This caused me to be pretty judgmental of others at times, but I was never so harsh with anyone as I was myself. I gave myself no mercy, no room for imperfection. I knew better than what I was doing for goodness sake! What was my deal?!

So, you can imagine that coming to seminary seemed a very heavy load to me - more rules? I can't handle that! Thankfully, God placed some AMAZING people in our path here. People who quickly got to know me and minister to me in grace. People who didn't seem to be bound by rules, but seemed REALLY free. This started to wear at some of the callouses on my heart. Our first semester in seminary was so refreshing, so good, so much a breath of fresh air.

and of course....satan couldn't have that!
I believe God allowed satan to attack me spiritually, emotionally because I had some walls that needed breaking down.
Issues I thought were long ago dealt with came blaring into my life - wounds inflicted by people in my life, my parent's divorce, the fear I constantly struggled with as a result of losing my brother and knowing none of my loved ones were promised tomorrow, anger I didn't know I had, and an unhealthy mindset concerning food that manifested itself in various forms of disordered eating (whether that meant completely not eating or being addicted to food - I've done both) that I'd dealt with for years. Suddenly, these things were front and center and I was feeling all of it.

Soooooo I did what I always do - ran from it! At least I tried to....God didn't let me, though. I feel like He reached deep within me, pulled this junk out, and said, "Let's deal with this, because it's time for healing." It was rather miserable for awhile there. But God had a plan and a rescue mission was underway. He sent people to love on me, listen to me, pray for me, but I think the biggest thing He did was show me that none of those people could actually heal me. For that, I would have to go to Him.

I was afraid to go to Him, though. For so long I had "messed up" and "not kept the rules" that I was SURE He was disgusted with me. I had even begun to wonder if I was actually saved - actually His daughter. THAT is a miserable feeling.

Finally, He brought me to a point of being on my knees, confessing every sin I knew, including the eating disorder taking the role of an idol in my life. For the first time in a lonnnnnng time, I didn't try to "pretty it up" or justify the sins. I just laid them out there - agreeing with God that they were sins - acknowledging they were ugly - acknowledging that without Him, I was ugly. Then, I asked Him if I was indeed His daughter - even after all of my running and pushing Him away and messing up...Was I His?

He answered in that soul-speak way of His, so clearly I couldn't have missed it. He called me daughter. He called me His princess. Jesus covered all that dirty sinfulness and God called me daughter. I GOT TO BE HIS DAUGHTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Realizing that despite my ugliest moments, the truth of what Jesus did on the cross and His saving work in my life was still true for me and always would be -REALLY realizing that being God's daughter had NOTHING to do with my ability to be "good enough" changed so much about everything else I believed to be true. The hurt and anger I'd felt looked different now. The wounds didn't cut as deep. The eating disorder that had ruled my thought life for YEARS seemed so much smaller. In light of the cross, in light of the reality that because of Jesus's saving work, I got to be God's daughter - LOVED completely by Him....everything else seemed so much smaller. Hope flooded in where despair had been, Grace oozed into the places emptied by condemnation and judgement, Life took over the deadness that came from living under the rules and the "trying so hard", and Joy just moved in and camped out all over the place.

The reality of the cross changed all of my other realities.
JESUS changes everything. He really does. I've seen it with my own eyes. If you have never experienced this, my deepest prayer is that you will.

I've learned God is Good. GOOD enough to be better than the worst this world has to offer. Truly, completely, GOOD. all. the. time.

Now, this doesn't mean life is suddenly perfect. I still live in a fallen world with broken people (myself included). A 10-year eating disorder doesn't disappear overnight, and the reality is that I've had things in my life that HURT. Here's what God's been teaching me recently though - there's healing in thanking Him.

There's healing in looking for HIM in the midst of the hurts and struggles. There's SUCH hope and healing that comes from seeing something painful and looking for the way God has been GOOD despite it or in the midst of it. The song, "Bless the Lord" by Matt Redman speaks of the reality that no matter what's going on, there's still 10,000 reasons to bless the Lord at any given moment.
Josh and I heard a sermon by a church member, Joe McKeever, this past weekend in which he spoke on the truth found in Habbakuk 3:17-19

Though the fig tree should not blossom,
nor fruit be on the vines,
the produce of the olive fail
and the fields yield no food,
the flock be cut off from the fold
and there be no herd in the stalls,
yet I will rejoice in the Lord;
I will take joy in the God of my salvation.
God, the Lord, is my strength;
He makes my feet like the deer's;
He makes me tread on my high places.

Brother Joe spoke on the truth that no matter what's going on in life, we still have a God who loves us, who sent His Son to die for us, and because of His son's work on the cross, we can be declared righteous, so that we might have a relationship with HIM - our loving, all-powerful Father and Creator of the universe. 

There's something healing in looking for that truth in life's worst circumstances. There's something healing in saying "Thank You" to our God for this reality, even when life's temporary circumstances aren't ideal. There's healing in the "Thank You."

Ann Voskamp's book, One Thousand Gifts speaks to this effect as well, as she chronicles her own journey of healing by making lists of things she's thankful for. 
I started this practice as well, but have altered it slightly. My list is now 1,000 reasons to praise. This is causing me to not only be thankful for my temporary blessings, but causing me to look intensely for what God is up to in every circumstance. And when I can't seem to find Him in a situation, it's causing me to dig in His word for reasons to praise Him no matter what's going on.

So, I'm finding there's healing in the "Thank You"
because when you constantly search for the reasons to thank, you constantly find a God worth thanking.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Dear "Future Amber" - A Letter About Your Marriage

Today marks one year of marriage to Josh :) It's been the BEST being married to this man! One year, 365 days,...it feels like yesterday! (You can see pictures of our wedding day here.)
365 days of having a sleep-over with my best friend
365 days of not having to say "goodbye" as he leaves to go to his own house
365 days of saying "hello" when we come home to each other
365 days of thanking God He let me have this man to call "husband"
365 days of blessing.

I wanted to write a blog about the joys of marriage or the lessons of marriage or just something to commemorate this first year's milestone...The more I thought about it, I decided I would just write a blog to myself...a reminder to "future me" of the blessings I've received through marriage and a warning to not take them for granted if "future me's" life gets busy and she forgets to be grateful. So...

Dear future Amber,
   You've been married one year on the day you're writing this. You're overwhelmed at what a good year it has been with this husband of your's. The first thing  I want you to pause and reflect on is what a gem this boy is. :) All the qualities you hoped for and prayed for in a husband....God blew them out of the water!! Take a minute and praise God for this GOOD gift He has given you. Thank Him for providing a husband that you know you are safe with. Thank Him for a husband that doesn't consider divorce an option. Ever. Thank Him for the security that gives you to be vulnerable, to be real, to be fully known and fully accepted.
  Thank Him for the way Josh seeks to serve you and demonstrate God's love to you. Thank Him that Josh gives you a clearer picture of the way God, Himself, loves you. Thank Him for coming through on His promise that if you would let Him have control of your love life, He would far exceed your expectations. Thank Him that so many younger girls have told you that they've made Josh their standard for a husband after seeing the way he loves you and loves Jesus even more. PRAISE HIM for that!! Praise Him for using your marriage to glorify Him, rather than satan using it to destroy lives. Thank Him for His power and the knowledge that HE is the reason your marriage works. It is His faithfulness that allows you and Josh to be faithful. Never forget that. Always remain dependent on the Lord's power and not your's or Josh's.
Also, never forget the things that are causing you to be so in love with Josh right now. It's your responsibility to keep these things in mind, to focus on the wonderful about him and let the negative take the back seat.

Don't take for granted the way he actively looks for ways to serve you -
-the way he does the dishes when you have to work all day
-the way he takes care of the cars and makes sure the tires are rotated, the oil changed, etc
-the way he makes the bed even though he could care less, but he does it because you like it
- the way he lets you pick the TV shows so often, even if it means he has to watch "Gilmore Girls" for the 80th time
-the way he offers to help anytime there's an event or something to prepare for
-the way he offers to help you cook
-the way he asks how your day was and honestly wants to know
-the way he notices and thanks you for working, cleaning, cooking, etc.
-the way he keeps a watchful eye on finances and is always planning, making sure bills are paid etc

Never take for granted the way he showers love all over your life and your families' lives:
-the way he never forgets a family member's birthday
-the way he prays for your families every night
-the way he makes sure to call parents, grandparents, etc on their birthday
-the way he "likes" and takes interest in the posts of your families on Facebook, just to make sure we're all in touch
-the way he sacrificed a summer trip to Missouri to go to Wisconsin for a week to meet your cousins from Washington for the first time

Always appreciate the way He makes Jesus and you his top priority in every circumstance:
-the way he loves to tell people about Jesus
-the passion he has for college students and leading them to Christ/ encouraging them on their walks
-how excited he gets about corporate worship times and  a good/deep sermon
-how he's not afraid to turn down a church/work obligation if he feels the two of you need some together-time more
-the way he loves to include you in his ministry
-the way he values your partnership

Always always appreciate the ways he steers your marriage to focus on Christ:
-the way he prays with you every night before bed
-the way he nudges and urges both of you out of bed in time for church every Sunday
-the way he takes time each week to ask you "where you are" in your walk with Christ
-the way he listens when you answer that question
-the way he is always seeking to learn the best ways to encourage your relationship with Christ
-the way he is always seeking to further his own relationship with Christ

Never take for granted the little moments of friendship that make up your daily lives:
-the way you quote movie lines in conversations and both laugh because you understand the reference
-the painstaking way he taught you this "skill" by quizzing you on movie quotes with yall's invented "Name that Movie" game
-the way you both still love to play that game
-the way you sing (usually badly on purpose) random lines of a song to each other in random moments throughout the day..."I love you baaaabbbyyyy...."
-the way this habit ended up with yall discovering "our song"  found below :)

-the way you found a love of jazz/easy listening music since being married to Josh
-the way you love to listen to him sing in the shower
-the way you laugh hysterically at episodes of  "The Office" that you've both seen a million times
-the way watching "Dumb & Dumber" with him makes you laugh 30x harder than if you watched it alone
-the way he sends you funny Whatsapp messages (usually involving the smiling poop emoticon)
- the way it's safe for you both to have your immature, completely silly moments together ^

And the mundane moments where nothing special is happening, nothing exciting...just day-to-day life as usual...those moments, when it's just nice that he's there doing the mundane with you.

And finally,
never take for granted the ways he seeks to let you know how much you're loved:
-the random flowers that pop up on special occasions and on "just because" days
-the way he calls you beautiful at least 12 times a day :) EVEN when you just wake up - true love right there, sister, and we both know it, cause 6:00 AM does NOT look good on us :)
-the way he hugs you and tickles your hand or grabs your knee, because his love language is physical touch
-the times you catch him staring and ask "what?" and he shrugs and says, "I just like looking at you."
-the way he writes you sweet notes affirming you and his love for you
-the way he considers weekly date nights as much of a priority as anything else on his schedule
Notice these moments. Don't let them become commonplace. These are moments to treasure. Never get so busy that you don't have time to simply enjoy these moments.

It's important to remember and notice all of these things. Don't take them for granted. They aren't "rights," they are gifts - gifts of marriage that need to be protected, remembered, kindled. It's your responsibility to cherish them. It's also your responsibility to let your sweet husband know you appreciate them, know you respect him, know how thankful you are for him. Never assume he just knows these things. TELL HIM. SHOW HIM. Be his first and biggest cheerleader! He is your man! Be thankful for him and let him know how thankful you are.

You've got a great husband, and the best best  friend you can imagine. Don't take a moment of this union for granted. It's too sweet to let it go to waste. Fight for the romance of your marriage. When kids come and schedules get busy, do what it takes to get some alone time. Budget for date nights. Keep them a priority. Guard your marriage and always keep Josh as your second love (right under God).

This marriage is a gift, a great gift. With it comes huge blessings, and huge responsibilities. Give it all you've got. Even in the times when you might feel like you're getting nothing in return. God is faithful. He loves to bless His children. Be faithful in your marriage. He will be faithful to cultivate it.
Never stop looking for the blessings in your marriage. Keep a thankful heart. Satan will hate this. He WILL attack.
Don't lose heart. God always wins.

Now, go kiss your husband and remind him how incredibly blessed you are to be his wife :)